· Often called Cotton family or Mallow family.

1. Leaf – Multicosted, reticulate, divergent or palmate venation.

2. Inflorescence – solitary an axillary or solitary terminal.

3. Epicalyx (a whorl of bracteoles) is present.
·  Epicalyx is absent in Genus Albutin and sida.

4. Flower – pentamerous, hypogynous complete bracteolate in the form of epicalyx.

5. Calyx – sepals – 5, gamosepalous

6. Corolla – petal – 5, polypetalous, aestivation twisted, campanulate, epipetalous.

7. Androecium – stamens indefinite (more than 10), Monothecous (anther) Single lobed) and bisporangiate, anther – reniform (kidney-shaped)

8. Gynoecium – Multicarpellary, syncarpous & Axile placentation.

Note: Axile Placentation is found in Solanaceae, Malvaceae & Liliaceae.

9. Fruit – Capsule or Schizocarpic

Common plants of the Malvaceae Family are:
· Gossypium arboretum – Cotton
· Abelmoschus esculentus – Ladies finger.
· Hibiscus rosa–sinensis – Shoeflower or China rose.
· Malva sylvestris
· Hibiscus cannabinus
· Gossypium hirsutum – Cotton
· Albutilon indicum
· Cotton fibres are epidermal hairs, which are cellulosic in nature.

High Yielding Points from TAXONOMY

1. Shapes of corolla:
a. Cruciform: cross(x) like corolla eg. Cruciferae
b. Tubular: tube-like eg. sunflower
c. Papilionaceous: butterfly shape eg. legumes
d. Bilabiate: 2 lipped eg. libiatae
e. Personate (masked): bilabiate corolla with a narrow opening

2. Types of nomenclature:
a. Holotype: Specimen used by the author to confer scientific name to species
b. Isotype: Duplicate of holotype
c. Paratype: specimen cited with the original description other than holotype or isotype
d. Neotype: If the original specimen is lost it can be substituted by another specimen collected from the same locality
e. Lectotype: Specimen selected from the original material selected to serve as nomenclature type [@ HIPaNL]

3. Famous book ‘Species Plantarum’ 
was written by Carolus Linnaeus but ‘Genera Plantarum by Batham and Hooker

4. In the artificial system of classification, one or two characters are considered given by Carolus Linnaeus

 In the natural system of classification, a large no. of traits are considered, given by Bantham and Hooker

 Phylogenetic system of classification was given by A. Engler, Karl A. Prant and John Hutchinson.

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