Accept vs. Except
Accept (verb) - to receive
e.g I accepted all my birthday gifts with gratitude.
Except (conjunction) - apart from; otherwise than
e.g. When Susan travels, she packs everything except the kitchen sink.

Affect vs. Effect
Affect (verb) - to have an effect on; influence; produce a change in; to stir the emotions
e.g. The dog's death affected his owners.
Effect (noun) - anything brought about by a cause or agent; result
e.g. The new speed limit law had little effect on the speed of the motorists.

A Lot vs. Allot
A lot (noun phrase) -many
e.g. A lot of people came to the party.
Allot (verb) - to distribute, give or assign
e.g. Fifteen minutes were allotted to each of the speakers at the conference.

all ready Vs already
all ready: means all are ready
E.g. We are all ready to go.
already: refers to time
E.g. Is it summer already?

all together Vs altogether
all together: refers to a group; all of us or all of them together
E.g. It is wonderful to be all together to celebrate your birthday.
altogether: entirely
E.g. It is not altogether his fault.

altar Vs alter
altar: pedestal, usually religious
E.g. They exchanged wedding vows at the altar of the church.
alter: to modify
E.g. Please don't alter your plans until we have the final schedule approved.

allude Vs elude
allude: to refer indirectly
E.g. He alluded to his past as a spy.
elude: avoid capture
E.g. The fugitive eluded the police for a month.

Allusion vs. Illusion
Allusion (noun) - an indirect reference
e.g. The Austin Powers movies often make allusions to the James Bond films.
Illusion (noun) - a false idea or conception; belief or opinion not in accord with the facts; an unreal, deceptive, or misleading appearance or image
e.g. The magician created the illusion that he was levitating.

Awhile vs. A while
Awhile (adverb) - for a while; for a short time
e.g. The guests planned to stay awhile.
A while (noun) - for a short time; when while is used as the object of the preposition (for a while) then the "a" is separated from the "while"
e.g. The guests planned to stay for a while.

Borrow vs. Lend
Borrow (verb) - to take or accept something for a short time with the intention of returning it to its rightful owner
e.g. May I borrow a pencil, please?
Lend (verb) - to give something for a short time with the intention of getting it back
e.g. Would you please lend me a pencil?

Breath vs. Breathe
Breath (noun) - air taken into the lungs and then let out
e.g. Take a deep breath.
Breathe (verb) - to inhale and exhale
e.g. Just calm down and breathe.

Butt Naked vs. Buck Naked
Butt Naked is a phrase that means to be without clothes.
e.g. The baby tore off his diaper and ran around the house butt naked.

Cache vs. Cash
Cache (noun) - a safe place to store supplies; anything stored or hidden in such a place
e.g. The hikers found a cache with some cash and jewels.
Cash (noun) - money, coins, bills; currency
e.g. ATM machines dispense cash.

Chomp at the Bit vs. Champ at the Bit
Chomp at the bit - an overused and incorrect form of "champing at the bit"
Champ at the bit (idiom) - ready or anxious; eager to be going or moving along.
e.g. The kids were champing at the bit to see the newest Harry Potter movie.

Complement vs. Compliment
Complement (noun) - that which completes or brings to perfection; (verb) - to make complete
e.g. Red wine is a nice complement to a steak dinner.
Compliment (noun) - something said in admiration, praise, or flattery; (verb) - to pay a compliment to; congratulate
e.g. She gave me a nice compliment when she said I looked thin.

Comprise vs. Compose
Comprise (verb) - to include; to contain; to consist of; to be composed of
e.g. The state of North Carolina comprises 100 counties.
Compose (verb) - to form in combination; makeup; constitute
e.g. One hundred counties compose the state of North Carolina.

Desert vs. Dessert
Desert (verb) - to forsake or abandon; to leave without permission; to fail when needed
e.g. Soldiers should not desert their posts.
Desert (noun) - dry, barren, sandy region
e.g. The largest desert in the world is the Sahara.
Dessert (noun) - a sweet course served at the end of a meal
e.g. Fruit makes a healthy dessert after lunch or dinner.

Elicit vs. Illicit
Elicit (verb) - to draw forth; evoke
e.g. The teacher elicited answers from the students.
Illicit (adjective) - unlawful; illegal
e.g. The teacher discovered illicit drugs in a student’s desk.

Hone vs. Home
Hone (verb) - to sharpen; to yearn or long for; to grumble or moan
e.g. Practicing the piano daily is a good way to hone your skills.
Home (noun) - dwelling; place where a person lives
e.g. After the long drive, we were all ready to be home and asleep.

Imitated vs. Intimated
Imitated (verb) - past tense of the verb imitate, which means to seek to follow the example of; impersonate; mimic
e.g. The toddler imitated the dog by crawling on hands and knees and barking.
Intimated (verb) - to make known indirectly; to hint or imply
e.g. The pirate intimated that he knew where the treasure was buried.

In A Sense vs. In Essence
In a sense (idiom) - in a way; in one way of looking at it
e.g. In a sense, computers have been a boon to society.
In essence (idiom) - by nature; essentially
e.g. The cat is, in essence, quiet and timid.

Lead vs. Led
Lead (noun) - a heavy, soft, malleable, bluish-grey metallic chemical element used in batteries and in numerous alloys and compounds
e.g. I think it was Mrs White in the billiard room with the lead pipe.
Led (verb) - past tense and past participle of the verb "to lead"
e.g. The two coaches have each led their teams to numerous championships.

Lose vs. Loose
Lose (verb) - to become unable to find; to mislay; to fail to win or gain
e.g. Did you lose your glasses again?
How many games did your team lose last season?
Loose (adjective) - not tight; giving enough room
e.g. I’ve lost twenty pounds, and now these jeans are really loose.

Like/Unlike Vs Alike:
Like/Unlike (preposition): it is used in the sense of 'as' or 'similar' to function as a preposition before a noun.
e.g. Like my father, her father is an English teacher.
Alike (Adjective)
It is used as an adjective after be verb
e.g. They were alike.

Passed vs. Past
Passed (verb) - past tense of the verb "to pass"
e.g. I think we passed the store. Let’s turn around and go back.
Past (adjective) - of a former time; bygone; (noun) - the time that has gone by; days, months, or years gone by
e.g. In the past, I’ve gotten lost a lot, but this time I know where we are.

Precede vs. Proceed
Precede (verb) - to be, come, or go before in time, place, order, rank, or importance
e.g. The election of a new president precedes his inauguration.
Proceed (verb) - to advance or go on, especially after stopping
e.g. After your first assignment has been completed and approved, you may proceed to the second one.

Principal vs. Principle
Principal (noun) - a governing or presiding officer, specifically of a school; (adjective) - first in rank, authority, importance, degree, etc.
e.g. The student’s parents had to have a meeting with the principal.
Principle (noun) - a fundamental truth, law, doctrine, or motivating force, upon which others are based
e.g. The student’s parents thought that they had instilled stronger moral principles in their son.

Sell vs. Sale
Sell (verb) - to give up, deliver or exchange for money
e.g. People who move often sell unwanted items instead of packing them.
Sale (noun) - the act of selling; the work, department, etc. of selling
e.g. After Christmas sales always bring in the bargain shoppers.

Site vs. Sight
Sight (noun) - something seen, a view, field of vision
e.g. She was a sight for sore eyes.
Site (noun) - a piece of land considered for a specific purpose
e.g. The corner lot was a perfect site for the new shopping centre.

Stationary vs. Stationery
Stationary (adjective) - not moving or not movable; fixed or still
e.g. I rode the stationary bike at the gym for an hour.
Stationery (noun) - writing materials; specifically, paper and envelopes used for letters
e.g. My grandmother has given me a lot of stationery over the years. I think she wants me to use it to write to her.

Taut vs Taunt
Taut (adjective) - tightly stretched; showing strain; tidy or well-disciplined
e.g. The taut rope held the luggage to the roof.
Taunt (verb) - to reproach in scornful or sarcastic language; to drive or provoke
e.g. The home team taunted the visitors with cheers every time the visiting team made an error.

beside Vs besides
beside (preposition): meaning 'next to', 'at the side of'
I sit beside John in class.
Could you get me that book? It's beside the lamp.
besides (adverb): meaning 'also', 'as well'; preposition meaning 'in addition to'
He's responsible for sales, and a lot more besides.
Besides tennis, I play soccer and basketball.

clothes Vs cloths
clothes: something you wear - jeans, shirts, blouses, etc.
Just a moment, let me change my clothes.
Tommy, get your clothes on!
Cloths: pieces of material used for cleaning or other purposes.
There are some cloths in the closet. Use those to clean the kitchen.
I have a few pieces of cloth that I use.

dead Vs died
dead (adjective): meaning 'not alive'
Unfortunately, our dog has been dead for a few months.
Don't touch that bird. It's dead.
Died: past tense and past participle of the verb 'to die'
His grandfather died two years ago.
A number of people have died in the accident.

experience Vs experiment
experience (noun): meaning something that a person lives through
His experiences in Germany were rather depressing.
experiment (noun): meaning something that you do to see the result.
They did a number of experiments last week.

felt Vs fell
felt: past tense and past participle of the verb 'to feel'
I felt better after I had a good dinner.
He hasn't felt this well for a long time.
fell: past tense of the verb 'to fall'
He fell from a tree and broke his leg.
Unfortunately, I fell down and hurt myself.

female Vs feminine
female: the sex of a woman or animal
The female of the species is very aggressive.
The question 'female or male' means 'are you a woman or a man'.
feminine: adjective describing a quality or type of behaviour that is considered typical for a woman
He's an excellent boss with feminine intuition.
The house was decorated in a very feminine manner.

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