B. Tech. Food Technology Study: Fee Structure, Admission Procedure & Requirements TU

Admission Procedure and Requirements

Entrance exam for B.Tech (Food) is conducted by IOST Dean Office, TU generally after the results of +2. Applicants must be Second Division in +2 Science or I.Sc or I. Tech in Food or Lab Technology or equivalent by TU and must have passed subjects like English, Mathematics, Physics, and Chemistry in second division or Grade C in each subject of 100 full marks. Applicants passing a 3-year diploma in Food & Dairy technology from CTEVT must have a second division in each subject. Applicants passing A-Level must have at least a grade D in mathematics, physics, and chemistry of 100 full marks. 

The admission is based on the merit list of the entrance exam and students who seek admission at CCT are required to go through another round of screening protocol. 
⇒ The application form for the above can be collected from the campus office or downloaded from the official site of IOST www.tuiost.edu.np 
 The admission is based on the entrance merit list and IOST will publish the list of successful candidates immediately after the entrance examination. 
⇒ Enrollment must be within the stipulated date; failure to take admission within the stipulated date automatically will be passed on to eligible waiting list candidates.
 The successful candidate must submit his/her required documents/testimonials at the time of admission.

Quota & Fee Structure for B. Tech. Food Technology Study in Nepal

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